All About the F-U-N!!

On Thursday September 20th, GAC Women's Soccer hosted a mini-clinic for the U12 Girls from the St. Peter Soccer Club. The club girls came early to watch GAC run some drills and play a little 9v9 game before they got to join in on the fun! First there were the introductions, where both sets of girls got to know a little about one another, expressing their hidden talents, even getting one of the St. Peter girls to sing Adele! Then the seniors ran the U12 girls through a bit of their everyday warm up so they could get a feel for a typical Gustie practice. On to passing, where the focus was on form, accuracy and even ONE TOUCH! The clinic really ramped up from there with a shooting drill involving some creative celebrations on the part of both teams. With a mix of Gustavus girls and a majority St. Peter girls split onto three teams, everyone took to the field for a mini tournament. From the fifteen girls who attended to the twenty Gustavus players, there wasn't a face without a smile! Lucky for both sets of girls, they get to do it all again on October 4th at 7:00pm at Gustavus, for the second of the two scheduled clinics.

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