Thursday, September 12, 2019

Gustie Gameday!

Gameday is one of the best days of the week! Nothing else matters except for stepping on the field and playing the game we love with the people we love. In preparation for game day everyone seems to have their own, maybe quirky, traditions/routines/rituals. You might ask, why are these traditions important? For some it might actually be superstition. For others it helps us get in the right mindset to step on the field and play to our best ability. So what are some of of your game day traditions? Do you have to put on a certain shoe first and tie your laces a specific way? Do you have to listen to a certain song? Do you have to eat something specific? We love our game day traditions which include: eating a meal together, meeting together, and stepping onto the field as one unit. In games our nerves can take over, but our routines help to center and prepare us.

There’s a theory about different zones athletes enter when playing their sport. There’s the green, blue, and red zone. In each zone performance can be affected, either in a positive or sometimes negative way. It’s important to recognize the differences when you and your teammates are in each zone. When you can recognize the physical expressions of these zones, then we can help each other get into the best one!

Now, let’s explain the zones. Green zone is too relaxed. It’s not focused enough, you're not at a high enough intensity to actually perform at your best. The red zone is almost the opposite. In the red zone you’re over adrenalized. Your heart rate is too high and hard to control. For example, you'll be out of breath after only 5 minutes of being on the field.

The blue zone is the place to be. In the blue zone, your adrenaline is beneficial, your senses seem to sharpen, and you don't seem to get tired. This is where traditions come back into play. It's easy to get over adrenalized, especially on a gameday, and our routines help both calm us down, and get us prepared for to step onto the field. What are some of your pregame rituals? Does your team have one?

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